About Us - Floor Dozers

About Us - Floor Dozers
We are Arizona Based Floor Removal Experts.
Floor Dozers® is a local Arizona company that specializes in professional flooring removal. We have an extensive background in both residential and commercial flooring installation. Exposed to regular flooring removal, we developed better methods of removal that benefit both our workers and clients. Eventually, we earned our great reputation with the largest flooring installation outfits in Arizona who sought out our flooring removal service.
Contact Us
In 2018, Floor Dozers became the new name of our flooring removal company. The Floor Dozers brand is an effort to elevate specialized flooring removal as an industry of its own.
Using our highly specialized equipment, we truly remove floors much faster and better than a typical installer is capable of.
Feel free to contact Us in order to get in contact with a Floor Dozers team member. We will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.
Jesse Boswell (Owner)